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“The Social Evil in Kansas City”: Machine Politics and the Red-Light District

Want articles sent directly to your inbox each week? In a city whose fortunes were for decades so tightly bound up with those of one very powerful and corrupt man, it becomes impossible to separate the success of one from the financial prosperity, however illicitly gained, Prostitutes Kansas City the other.

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They think they own you for that period of time. As the decoy worked the area near Independence Avenue and Benton Boulevard, a signal is quickly given that notifies officers that a solid deal has been made. During one of the last deals of the afternoon, contact Prostitutes Kansas City made by a potential John two minutes and fourteen seconds Prostitutes Kansas City the decoy hit the street.

Confirmation of a deal was made at the mark and officers had Prostitutes Kansas City John in cuffs at roughly When confirmation is made, teams move swiftly to not only apprehend the suspect, but also to protect the safety and identity of the decoy. This is very much a well-oiled machine. It is important to note that all subjects are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

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Kansas City police tried something similar in the s. The idea behind the “Independence Avenue Zone” was to close the avenue to sex traffic. Prostitution is referred to as “Selling Sexual Relations” in Kansas law. Selling sexual relations is agreeing to perform a sexual act for hire and it is a.

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Prostitution sting on Independence Avenue results in arrests, charges By Michael Bushnell Posted September 26th, Tweet Yesterday the Northeast News had exclusive access to an undercover officer during a prostitution sting along Independence Avenue. We asked our decoy what those precious seconds are like after the deal is made.

Union Depot,

Want Northeast News articles sent straight to your inbox each week? Subscribe below! Some of the most notorious dives of both sections are found on the main thoroughfares of the city.

This is particularly true of the South Side, with a number of the worst resorts of the municipality existing on Main Street with its numerous car lines. In much the same way that the expansion of the railroad initially helped establish Kansas City as a center of vice, so too did the expansion of publicly available transit in town Prostitutes Kansas City the spread of commercial sex.

And as brothels, bawdy Prostitutes Kansas City, and saloons continued to proliferate throughout the city, increasing numbers of women entered the profession. While it was certainly a challenging life in many ways, prostitution also offered many women shelter from destitution and even a degree of financial freedom and social autonomy that they would not have been able to access otherwise.

Many of the young women who entered the trade in these years did so because they had few opportunities for employment open to them that could actually sustain their lives. If they could not rely on the support of a Prostitutes Kansas City or husband, these women were left to devise some other plan for their survival.

Despite the widespread belief during this time that any woman who embarked upon such a career must necessarily be morally deficient, Johnson made clear that poverty was quite often the largest motivating factor. Leaving a life of tragedy and heartbreak behind in her home state of Kentucky, Chambers moved to Indianapolis, where she began to work as a prostitute. After being Prostitutes Kansas City several times and finding the climate there inhospitable to her line of work, Chambers moved to Kansas City in on the advice of a friend and in the hopes that her trade would be better tolerated there.

This second move proved Prostitutes Kansas City for Chambers, and she soon opened a small brothel Prostitutes Kansas City north of the Missouri River.

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Just two short years later, Prostitutes Kansas City had amassed enough wealth to open a lavish room brothel south of the river on the corner of 3rd and Wyandotte Streets, where she remained for many years. Under the standard operating rule in which the madam received half, it is easy to see how this business became quite profitable for Chambers.

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Annie Chambers was far from the only madam operating in Kansas City, however. Other popular and busy resorts in the red-light district were just down the street Prostitutes Kansas City Chambers.

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These belonged to Madame Lovejoy and Eva Prince. Women like Chambers, Lovejoy, and Prince were able to attain such power and wealth thanks in large part to the lax stance Kansas City police and local government took toward prostitution. Though Prostitutes Kansas City madams Prostitutes Kansas City officially fined each month for violating Ordinancetheir payments operated functionally more like a licensing system than as a deterrent. Indeed, Johnson summarized in his report:.

No settled policy either of suppression or of segregation of the Social Evil has been adopted by Kansas City. Ordinances on the subject conflict. Some of them would recognize the scourge while others would eliminate it. Meanwhile it has enjoyed a Prostitutes Kansas City standing. Madams at some of the better houses like Chambers, Lovejoy, and Prince became quite wealthy as a result. It is then quite easy to see how a madam like Chambers would happily pay monthly fines in order to keep her business operating.

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Such a relationship between the madams and local authorities also meant that the women working in the brothels could largely be assured that they would not run afoul of the law. Although firsthand accounts of young Prostitutes Kansas City working in the trade are rare, an autobiography published in sheds some light on what life was like for sex workers in the Midwest at this time.

Madeleine, an Autobiography is one of the few memoirs of its kind whose details were Prostitutes Kansas City substantiated by historians.

The protagonist, Madeleine, was a young woman who faced considerable hardship at a very young age. Her father became alcoholic and abusive when she was still a child, and their large family was forced into severe poverty as a result. She endured years of privation and abuse before her mother sent her away to live and work with a friend in St. Ashamed and unsure of what she should do, Madeleine Prostitutes Kansas City to leave St.

This turn of events is what ultimately brings Madeleine to Kansas City. Having tried in vain to find any other suitable position in St. Louis, Madeleine runs out of money and turns to prostitution in order to survive. Louis, Madeleine meets a wealthy man who takes pity on her and treats her quite well in comparison.

Being called away to Kansas City on business, this man takes Madeleine with him. Madeleine makes a fateful connection while she is convalescing.

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She was protected by the police, and, what Prostitutes Kansas City still more important, she was protected from the police. The madam, or Miss Laura, as Madeleine calls her, is a warm, kind, and maternal figure.

Because this woman was broad-gaged and kindly, there was a spirit of tolerance and fellowship in her establishment such as I have seldom seen elsewhere.

She also had to learn that clients were often just as interested in knowing her life and history as they were in knowing her body. Prostitutes Kansas City outraged at this demand on her Prostitutes Kansas City life, she had Prostitutes Kansas City work to develop a certain level of comfort with sharing her personal history. In the narrative, Madeleine also goes out of her way to dispense with several stereotypical notions of what it meant to live and work as a prostitute.

Where she expected to find a vile and ruthless madam, Madeleine found instead a soft-spoken and large-hearted woman whose primary interest was the safety and wellbeing of the girls working in her home. In addition to providing a bountiful table and comfortable furnishings, Miss Laura never took more than her share of half the cost of services, even though it was common practice in other resorts for a madam to lay claim to Prostitutes Kansas City sort of tip a client might leave to a woman.

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Madeleine also relates that her colleagues in the house were equally kind and helpful to her. Upon learning that Madeleine was with child, all the rest of the residents of the house set about preparing clothes and toys in preparation for the coming baby. Because this woman was broad-gaged and kindly, there was a spirit of tolerance Prostitutes Kansas City fellowship in her establishment such as I have seldom seen elsewhere. In her reflections about life in red-light Kansas City generally, Madeleine offers readers insight into the social climate of the era.

The restricted district extended for several blocks on Third and Fourth Streets, but segregation was a name only, not a fact. Vice flourished in all parts of the city, but especially in the rooming-house districts; wine-rooms were wide open for any one Prostitutes Kansas City the price of a drink; private houses and assignation-houses abounded throughout the residential parts of the city; and the roadhouses ran full blast for twenty-four hours a day.

That is, these houses maintained a high price, regardless of the condition of business or of the keenness of competition, and Prostitutes Kansas City harbored a better class of women. Descriptions like this one throw into sharp relief both the size and the significance of this industry in Kansas City.

One of the primary reasons commercialized sex was able to thrive in Kansas City was the mutually beneficial relationship it enjoyed Prostitutes Kansas City the Pendergast political machine. Tom Pendergast has long been connected with the industries of vice in Kansas City.

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From these roots the entire Pendergast political machine would evolve. In addition to a well-known penchant for gamblingPendergast also owned and operated the T. Prostitutes Kansas City Wholesale Liquor Co. This should come as no surprise since the red-light district in Kansas City was for many years intentionally sequestered as a separate zone enclosed in the First and Prostitutes Kansas City Wards. This area was Pendergast territory, encompassing the West Bottoms and representing the original seat of power in the Pendergast machine.

Clifford-Napoleone makes the connection between the various forms of vice exploited by the Pendergast machine and police corruption quite clear:.

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Prostitutes Kansas City had interests in prostitution and saloons in a manner similar to that of systems in other cities. For instance Pendergast owned at least two hotels where the availability of prostitution was an open secret.

Pendergast simply paid a cut of the prostitution income payments to the city police. It was widely known that the upper floors Prostitutes Kansas City the Jefferson operated as an assignation house, where street-level sex workers and their clientele could rent rooms by the hour.

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Anti-vice crusaders in Kansas City also Prostitutes Kansas City that a full-scale brothel operated on the lower floors, and that the entire 5th floor had been sealed off for private poker games. Perhaps most notable at the Jefferson, though, was the nightly activity in its basement. There was nothing quite like the Jefferson celebration anywhere else. Historian Lawrence H. Larsen and author Nancy J. Trumpeted as a swanky supper club, this establishment was notorious for the wild antics permitted inside.

Local madams would bring their girls Prostitutes Kansas City to waitress for the day, with many ultimately finding Prostitutes Kansas City on the upper floors with Chesterfield patrons. Pendergast was a fixture at the Chesterfield and known to conduct much of his business there.

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Want articles sent directly to your inbox each week? The growth of industry meant that a variety of people from all over the United States and beyond traveled to Kansas City in search of work. Where she expected to find a vile and ruthless madam, Madeleine found instead a soft-spoken and large-hearted woman whose primary interest was the safety and wellbeing of the girls working in her home.
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Prostitutes Kansas City is important to note that all subjects Prostitutes Kansas City presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Location, Location, Location Kansas City was uniquely positioned to become an important center of industry in the Midwest at the turn of the 20th century. Primary Sources:. Cameron L. Pendergast was a fixture at the Chesterfield and known to conduct much of his business there. Rapid growth in the region was made possible by the opening of the Hannibal Bridge in Union Depot,
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In a sad tragedy that plays out everyday along Kansas City's major urban thoroughfares, prostitution is a way of life and a way to make a. In Kansas City's red light district, Annie Chambers had the most notorious brothel, but she was hardly alone: by , houses of. Pendergast did not, in fact, “slug” drug dealers or sex workers. On the contrary, he profited from them. By that time it was widely known in Kansas City.

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And to slug them hard. After being arrested several times and finding the climate there inhospitable to her line of work, Chambers moved to Kansas City in on the advice of a friend and in the hopes that her trade would be Prostitutes Kansas City tolerated there. As the decoy Prostitutes Kansas City the area near Independence Avenue and Benton Boulevard, a signal is quickly given that notifies officers that a solid deal has been made.