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Hong Kong’s male sex workers – living on the fringes


Quote Three studies presented effect estimates associated with a policy change, STIs, and rushing negotiation with clients, and were also considered separately [ 577792 ]. In the Prostitutes Sala, women live in one place at the brothel.

Ngai said that even though many networks, organizations and societies support sex workers worldwide, few were specifically established for men in the trade. Even though they lack social support, male sex workers in Hong Kong appear to be of considerable concern to the police.

Officers would operate undercover to catch male prostitutes, and sometimes even plant evidence, according to Marwah and Ngai. That was our defence in the trial later, because the brands of those sexual products police found at the scene are not the brand that male sex workers use. Ngai said police would pretend to be clients and talk to male sex workers in public, asking about the price of services.

If the man responds, police would be entitled to arrest him. Marwah warns his clients — Prostitutes Sala female and male sex workers — that in order to avoid committing the crime of soliciting, they should always discuss prices in private or online. Johannes Chan, a barrister and former Dean of the Law Faculty at the University of Hong Kong, Prostitutes Sala in an interview courts are aware of police Prostitutes Sala and abuses of power against sex workers.

The law against soliciting makes male sex workers including Wong ever-vigilant about discussing prices with clients in public. Wong started in business 20 years ago by posting a newspaper advertisement.

Legal concerns aside, he says, Prostitutes Sala social stigma of his trade has lessened over the years. Some were prank calls, others Prostitutes Sala from homophobes who cursed him as shameless. Attitudes towards the LGBT community and sexuality are more relaxed Prostitutes Sala. Wong now uses gay dating apps to reach clients and is no longer harassed or threatened.

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Over the past two decades, he says, he has become more professional in his attitude. But I just had to adjust my mindset. I have been telling myself, this is my profession and I Prostitutes Sala not supposed to be picky about my clients. The cardinal rule, he says, is never say no to first-time clients — even for those with skin problems such as psoriasis. He spent more than eight months last year travelling. Some of his long-term clients have asked him to go on trips to the mainland together for Prostitutes Sala few months, which is considered an escort service.

Intimate as that might sound, Wong would still set clear boundaries for himself between clients and romantic partners. Wong has stayed single since he started sex work, figuring his partner would mind a lot if knowing he is a sex worker. She formerly worked as a journalist in Yangon where she published a series of feature pieces about female sex workers in Myanmar.

To explore strategies that female sex workers and managers adopted to deal with the police crackdown; discussion of the implications for Prostitutes Sala and HIV-related risks.

Interviews with Prostitutes Sala female sex workers. Ages and ethnicities not reported. Sex workers recruited through NGOs and sex work sites including hair salons, massage parlours, and street-based locations. Prostitutes Sala and interviews. Effects of police practices following the crackdown and strategies used in response. To explore the social context of risk of HIV infection.

Interviews with 10 cis female Prostitutes Sala workers at truck stop, aged 17—34 years, Prostitutes Sala black ethnicities not reported.

Recruited via sex worker from Prostitutes Sala trained in research methods. Interviews, field notes. Katsulis, [ 35 ] Tijuana, Mexico Regulation. To examine the social context of workplace violence and Prostitutes Sala avoidance in the context of legal regulation meant to reduce harms associated with sex work. Mean age 26 years, ethnicities not reported. Other interviews included police 4hotel and bar owners 7Prostitutes Sala personnel 13and community health outreach workers Prostitutes Sala Ethnographic research included field observations and interviews.

Grounded theory and thematic analysis. Experience and management of violence at the hands of customers, strangers, and police. Exchange of sexual services legal, but related activities illegal including forced sex work, but little government enforcement in reality. To explore the experience of urban sex workers in eastern DRC in relation to violence, barriers to medical care, and use of local resources.

Convenience sampling. Characteristics of sex work, exposure to violence, available resources, and access to medical care. Recruited via 2 housing programmes. In-depth interviews and focus groups. Focus groups co-facilitated by sex workers. Experiences of living and working in low-barrier supportive Prostitutes Sala, rules and regulations, police and staff relationships, safety, and negotiation.

Krusi, [ ] Vancouver, Canada De facto criminalisation of clients. Purposive sampling via existing cohort study representing diversity in age, ethnicity, gender, and work environments. Ethnographic observation of street sex work areas.

Research and outreach team included Prostitutes Sala workers. Working conditions, interactions with police, and negotiations of health and safety Prostitutes Sala clients. Krusi, [ 26 ] Vancouver, Canada De facto criminalisation of clients. Part of a larger longitudinal qualitative and ethnographic study AESHA investigating how the physical, social, and policy environments shape working conditions and health of sex workers. Inductive and iterative thematic analysis, drawing on concepts of structural vulnerability, structural stigma, and Prostitutes Sala violence.

Sex workers were involved in advising on the research. Police interactions, working conditions, and negotiation of sex work transactions with clients after implementation of new policy. Levy, [ 34 ] Sweden various Criminalisation of clients. Inpurchase of sex was criminalised and sale of sex decriminalised, but brothel-keeping charges remain. Also interviewed: clients, service providers, activists, police, and policy-makers. Recruited via public places, organisations attended by sex workers, and social networks.

Ethnographic participant observation and interviews. Grounded theory analysis. Co-author founded national sex Prostitutes Sala rights organisation. Not Prostitutes Sala see aim. Proposal to decriminalise sex work, supported by Public Health Department and community groups, defeated in To investigate the Prostitutes Sala and experiences of a wide range of cis female sex workers regarding the legal status of sex work and the impact of the law on Prostitutes Sala working experiences. Recruited through community-based organisations.

Former and current sex workers involved in all aspects of study, including design, implementation, analysis, and write-up. Social context of sex work, experiences with law enforcement, what work would be like if prostitution was not a criminal offence, and ideal legal framework for sex work.

Lyons, [ ] Canada, Vancouver De facto criminalisation of clients. To investigate the lived experience Prostitutes Sala violence and social-structural social, political, and legal contexts shaping violence among trans sex workers.

Majority worked on the street. Recruited via existing cohort. In-depth interviews. Sex workers were involved in the analysis. Analysis focuses on how transphobia and criminalisation shape violence. Maher, [ ] Phnom Penh, Cambodia De facto full criminalisation.

Intrafficking law criminalised most aspects of sex work3; effectively made sale and purchase of sex illegal, led to police crackdowns and brothel closures. Inductive analysis drawing on principles Prostitutes Sala grounded theory. Prostitutes Salatrafficking law criminalised most aspects of sex work4; Prostitutes Sala made sale and purchase of sex illegal, led to Prostitutes Sala crackdowns and brothel closures. Prostitutes Sala via community partner organisation sampling methods not defined.

Prostitutes Sala, inductive analysis guided by grounded theory. Wave 1: impact of law and police crackdowns was a key emerging theme. Criminalisation of purchase and sale of sex, and third party making profits from sex work. Homosexuality illegal. To investigate the nature and extent of Prostitutes Sala rights abuses against sex workers, transgender individuals, and people who inject drugs.

Participatory ethnographic and evaluation research, training peers to conduct interviews. Complexities of gendered and sexual identities and nature and scale of abuse suffered.

Miller, [ ] Colombo, Sri Lanka De facto full criminalisation. Lodges and massage clinics Prostitutes Sala, but sex work practiced covertly. Also interviewed other people connected to sex industry 50 e. Thematic analysis around topic guide. Nichols, [ 49 ] Prostitutes Sala, Sri Lanka Full criminalisation.

Vagrants Prostitutes Sala penalises sex workers, third parties and clients 5. Homosexuality illegal since colonial era; with rise in sex tourism, law increasingly targets male sex workers. Recruited by interviewers, via outreach to sex work settings and snowballing.

Inductive, intersectional analysis: open then selective coding, categorising types of police abuse. Background, education, employment, first sex, sex Prostitutes Sala, gender and sexual identity, and experiences with family, community, clients, and police regarding gender and sex work.

To Prostitutes Sala findings from research with off-street sex workers, focusing on their views of how criminal laws affect their work. All independent; 8 had worked in other sectors in past 3 on street. Recruited online advertising on escort directory and secure website. Analysis methods not reported. Former and current sex workers collaborated on the research.

Prostitutes Sala of victimisation and work in indoor sex industry. Interviews identified Prostitutes Sala concerns and opinions about law. Okal, [ ] Naivasha and Mombasa, Kenya Full criminalisation. Many local authorities have specific bylaws against loitering or procuring for sex work or homosexuality. In Mombasa, consensual sex between men is criminalised. Often only sex workers, not clients, are taken to court for loitering or indecent exposure.

To examine the social and legal contexts that underpin the high levels of sexual and physical violence that pervade sex work in Kenya.

Focus group discussions. Content and thematic analysis. Work, health, and contraceptive use. Regulation Netherlands. Sex work through licensed brothels legal for consenting adults, but illegal for individuals under 18 years old and migrants.

To compare the experiences of sex workers under different legal frameworks. Experiences in sex work. Pyett, [ ] Melbourne, Australia Regulation. Condom use mandatory in licensed venues. To explore issues of safe sex and risk management among Prostitutes Sala workers who Prostitutes Sala on the street or in other criminalised sectors.

Purposively sampled women perceived as potentially vulnerable.

It is not illegal to work as a licensed prostitute but seeing as the government has not issued any such licences since the s, those working as prostitutes are vulnerable to being arrested and punished.

Sex workers involved in planning, recruitment, interviewing, and interpretation. Managing work services, safety, stress, condom use, and relationships; worries, plans, health, caring, Prostitutes Sala, relaxation, disclosure, relationships, and child care problems. Ratinthorn, Prostitutes Sala ] Bangkok, Thailand Partial criminalisation. Sex work allowed to operate in entertainment establishments, but street sex work is prosecuted under public nuisance and soliciting Prostitutes Sala.

To explore characteristics of violence against sex workers and how violence influences personal and societal health risks. Recruited in work settings in 3 districts. Average age 32 years, all born in Thailand.

In-depth interviews, 1 focus group, observation of workplaces. Thematic analysis drawing on grounded theory techniques. Prostitutes Sala participants Spanish-speaking with history of internal or cross-border migration. Average age 31 years. Recruitment via outreach and local NGO. Research guided by community advisory board that included female sex workers. Experiences with public health practices, related interactions with authorities i.

However, Prostitutes Sala bylaws and non-criminal Prostitutes Sala e. Cis womencis men 26and trans women 4 working in a range of sex work settings street, bar, hotel, and home recruited through the African Sex Worker Alliance and snowball sampling.

Participatory approach: peer educators conducted interviews and checked analysis. Experience of human rights violations by police, Prostitutes Sala, regular partners, landlords, and others involved in the sex industry. Shannon, [ 22 ] Vancouver, Canada Partial criminalisation. Purchase and sale of sex not illegal at time of studybut laws against communicating and keeping a bawdy house similar to soliciting and brothel-keeping laws, respectively.

To explore the role of social Prostitutes Sala structural violence and power relations in shaping the HIV risk environment and prevention practices of women in Prostitutes Sala sex work. Recruited via purposive sampling following social mapping led by sex workers.

Focus groups. Thematic content analysis drawing on concepts of risk environment; structural, symbolic, Prostitutes Sala everyday violence; and relational notions of power. Participatory action research: survival sex workers involved in project conceptualization, implementation, and dissemination.

Sherman, [ ] Baltimore, US Full criminalisation. In —, intensified policing in low-income, minority neighbourhoods, including street sex Prostitutes Sala areas. To explore interactions between police and sex workers in professional and personal lives, in relation to broader HIV risk environment.

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Purposive and snowball sampling. Recruited via organisations working with sex workers on street, in dance clubs, and in drug houses and via social network referrals. Entry into sex work, current work, condom use and negotiation, substance use, experiences of violence, and police interactions. Criminalised under article 14 of the Law of Peace and Order.

Average age 28 years; 15 participants Roma including all trans women, all working on the streetother ethnicities not reported. Recruitment via outreach services and snowballing. Data collected in 2 waves to enable provisional coding and inform purposive sampling. Entry into and modes of sex work, condom Prostitutes Sala and access, drug use, risk management, HIV and STI prevention, and health service need.

Main themes: violence from police and clients, moral policing, and non-physical violence. Act of selling sex not illegal, but soliciting, keeping an establishment, or living on earnings of sex work is illegal. To identify ways in which stigma may affect sex workers and how this links to health.

Data collection and analysis informed by grounded Prostitutes Sala approach Prostitutes Sala content analysis methods. Experience and negotiation of sex-work-related stigma. Core category 2: Institutionalised violence, Prostitutes Sala, and extortion, and restricted access to justice Prostitutes Sala showed that policing practices in contexts of criminalisation and regulation institutionalised violence against sex workers, both directly through police inflicting physical or sexual violence or demanding fines in Prostitutes Sala of arrest, and indirectly by restricting access to justice and thus creating an environment of impunity for perpetrators of violence [ 97, — ].

Core category 3: Reproduction of multiple stigmas Prostitutes Sala inequalities Findings show that repressive police treatment reinforced inequalities and entrenched marginalisation of sex workers, as well as creating disparities Prostitutes Sala sex-working communities, with police targeting specific settings or populations. Prostitutes Sala We estimate that, collectively, lawful or unlawful repressive policing practices linked to sex work criminalisation partial or full are associated with increased risk of infection Prostitutes Sala HIV or STIs, sexual or physical violence from clients or intimate partners, and condomless sex.

Limitations There are a number of limitations to this review. Conclusion The public health evidence Prostitutes Sala shows the harms associated with all forms of sex work criminalisation, including regulatory systems, which effectively Prostitutes Sala the most marginalised, and typically the majority of, sex workers outside of the law.

TIF Click here for additional data file. S3 Fig Sensitivity analysis of unadjusted and adjusted estimates of condomless sex stratified by police exposure. S4 Fig Sensitivity analysis of outcome misclassification. S1 Table Quality assessment of quantitative studies. XLSX Click here for additional data file. S2 Table Data used in R for meta-analysis. S1 Text Systematic review protocol.

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DOC Click here for additional data file. DOCX Click here for additional data file. S3 Text Category themes and sub-themes. S4 Text All Prostitutes Sala reviewed as part of qualitative synthesis. Data Availability The data underlying the quantitative synthesis are provided as Supporting Information. References 1. Rekart ML. Sex-work harm reduction. Global epidemiology Prostitutes Sala HIV among female sex workers: influence of structural determinants.

A systematic review of the correlates of violence against sex workers. Am J Public Health. Risky business: health and safety in the sex industry over a 9 year period. Sex Transm Infect. Mortality in a long-term open cohort of prostitute women.

Prostitutes Sala J Epidemiol. Factors associated with premature mortality among young injection drug users in Vancouver.

Harm Reduct J. Burden of HIV among female sex workers in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Infect Dis. Prostitutes Sala sex workers: practices, contexts, and vulnerabilities for HIV acquisition and transmission. Sex work and HIV status among transgender women: systematic review and meta-analysis. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. The sexual health of female sex workers compared with other women in England: analysis of cross-sectional Prostitutes Sala from genitourinary medicine clinics.

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The sexual health of male sex workers in England: analysis of cross-sectional data from genitourinary medicine clinics. Posttraumatic stress disorder among female street-based sex workers in the greater Sydney area, Australia. BMC Psychiatry. Prostitutes Sala work and mental health Leicester: University of Leicester; Sanders T, Cunningham S. Sex work and homicide Leicester: University of Leicester; Violence by clients towards female prostitutes in different work setting: questionnaire survey.

Jeal N, Salisbury C. Health needs and service use of parlour-based prostitutes compared with street-based prostitutes: a cross-sectional survey. HIV epidemics among Prostitutes Sala women. Prostitutes Sala social structural production of HIV risk Prostitutes Sala injecting drug users. Soci Sci Med. Individual, interpersonal, and social-structural correlates of involuntary sex exchange among female sex workers in two Mexico-U.

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HIV infection among female sex workers in concentrated and high prevalence epidemics: why a structural determinants framework is needed. Marmot M. Social determinants of health inequalities. Prostitutes Sala and structural violence and power relations in mitigating HIV risk of drug-using women in survival sex work.

Soc Sci Med. Youth, violence Prostitutes Sala non-injection drug use: nexus of vulnerabilities among lesbian and bisexual sex workers. AIDS Care. Basnyat I. Theorizing the relationship between gender Prostitutes Sala health through a case study Prostitutes Sala nepalese street-based female sex workers.

Commun Theory. Structural violence. Social and institutional oppression experienced by sex workers in Europe Amsterdam: International Committee on the Prostitutes Sala of Sex Workers in Europe; Sociol Prostitutes Sala Illn. Prevalence and correlates of nonmedical prescription opioid use among a cohort of sex workers in Vancouver, Canada. Int J Drug Policy. An action agenda for HIV and sex workers. Policing practices as a structural determinant for HIV among sex workers: a systematic review of empirical findings.

Vanwesenbeeck I. Prostitutes Sala work criminalization is barking up the wrong tree. Arch Sex Behav. Abel GM. Different stage, different performance: the protective strategy of role play on emotional health in sex work. The health of female sex workers from three industry sectors in Queensland, Australia. Phoenix J. Levy J, Jakobsson P. Criminol Crim Justice. Female sex workers and the social context of workplace violence in Tijuana, Mexico.

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December European Parliament. Punish the client, not the prostitute.

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Brussels: European Parliament; Feb 26 [cited Sep 26]. Prostitution Third Report of Session — London: UK House of Commons; Critical Appraisal Skills Programme. Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions Version 5. London: Cochrane Collaboration; Implement Sci. Nichols A. Dance ponnaya, dance! Police abuses against transgender sex workers in Sri Lanka.

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Methods for the synthesis of qualitative research: a critical review. Bourgois P. The power of violence in war and peace: post-cold war lessons from El Salvador. Poor working conditions and work Prostitutes Sala among Canadian sex workers. Occup Med Lond. Community mapping of sex work criminalization and violence: impacts on HIV treatment interruptions among marginalized women living with HIV Prostitutes Sala Vancouver, Canada. Workplace violence among female sex workers who use drugs in Vancouver, Canada: does client-targeted policing increase safety?

J Public Health Policy. Prevalence and structural correlates of gender based violence among a prospective cohort of female sex workers.

Structural and environmental barriers to condom use negotiation with clients among Prostitutes Sala sex workers: implications for HIV-prevention strategies and policy. Social and structural factors shaping high rates of incarceration among sex workers in a Canadian setting.

J Urban Health. Health Care Women Int. Prostitutes Sala behaviors, safe injection self-efficacy, and intervening on injection risks: moderated mediation results from a randomized trial. Health Psychol. Sex Transm Dis. J Infect Dis. Police sexual coercion and its association with risky sex work and substance use behaviors among female sex workers in St. Petersburg and Orenburg, Russia.

Risk of sexually transmitted infections and violence among indoor-working female sex workers in London: the effect of migration from Eastern Europe. Policing the epidemic: high burden of workplace violence among female sex workers in conflict-affected northern Uganda. Glob Public Health. High frequency of illegal drug use influences Prostitutes Sala use among female transgender sex workers in Argentina: impact on HIV and syphilis infections.

AIDS Prostitutes Sala. Declines in violence and police arrest among female sex workers in Karnataka state, south India, following a comprehensive HIV prevention programme. Correlates of STI symptoms among female sex workers with truck driver clients in Prostitutes Sala Mexican border towns. BMC Public Health. A demographic and health survey of Spanish female sex workers: HIV prevalence and associated risk factors. J Biosoc Sci. War-related abduction and history of incarceration linked to high burden of HIV among Prostitutes Sala sex workers in conflict-affected northern Uganda.

Jung M. Violence as a barrier for HIV prevention among female sex workers in Argentina. Venue-level correlates of female sex worker registration status: a multilevel analysis of bars in Tijuana, Mexico. Psychological fears among low-paid female sex workers in southwest China and their implications for HIV prevention.

A comparison of registered and unregistered female sex Prostitutes Sala in Tijuana, Mexico. Public Health Rep. Unprotected sex with their clients among low-paying female sex workers in southwest China. Structural determinants of dual contraceptive use among female sex workers in Gulu, northern Uganda. Prostitutes Sala J Gynaecol Obstet.

Community advocacy groups as a means to address the social environment of female sex workers: a case study in Andhra Pradesh, India. J Epidemiol Community Health. Mapping violence and policing as an environmental-structural barrier to health service and syringe availability among substance-using women Prostitutes Sala street-level sex work.

Crystal methamphetamine use and its correlates in women engaged in sex work in a developing country setting. Drug Alcohol Depend. Current and recent drug use intensifies sexual and structural HIV risk outcomes among female sex workers in the Russian Federation.

Correlates of mental depression among female sex workers in southern India. Asia Pac J Public Health. Distribution of sexually transmitted diseases and risk factors by work locations among female sex workers in Tijuana, Mexico. Effects of government registration on unprotected sex amongst female sex workers in Tijuana; Mexico. Social and structural factors associated with HIV infection among female sex workers Prostitutes Sala inject drugs in the Mexico-US border Prostitutes Sala.

Criminalizing sex work clients and rushed negotiations among sex workers who use drugs in a Canadian setting. Armstrong L. Screening clients in a Prostitutes Sala street-based sex industry: insights into the experiences of New Zealand sex workers. Aust N Z J Criminol. From law enforcement to protection? Interactions between sex workers and police in a decriminalized street-based sex industry. Br J Criminol. Can Public Policy. Baratosy R, Wendt S. Womens Stud Int Prostitutes Sala.

Can sex workers Prostitutes Sala police? Learning from an Prostitutes Sala prevention Prostitutes Sala for sex workers in southern India. Brents BG, Hausbeck K. Violence and legalized brothel prostitution in Nevada: examining safety, risk, and prostitution policy.

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J Interpers Violence. Cepeda A, Nowotny KM. A border context of violence: Mexican female sex workers on the U. Prostitutes Sala P, Greco C. Misunderstanding mis understandings: male sex workers and the Canadian criminal code. Sex Cult. Dewey S, St Germain T. Sex Res Social Policy. Ediomo-Ubong EN. Sex work, drug use and sexual health risks: occupational norms among brothel-based sex workers in a Nigerian city.

Afr J Drug Alcohol Stud. Foley EE, Nguer R. Reasons for non-use of condoms and self- efficacy among female sex workers: a qualitative study in Nepal. BMC Womens Health. Gulcur Prostitutes Sala, Ilkkaracan P.

Ham J, Gerard A. Cult Health Sex. Government crackdown of sex work in China: responses from female sex workers and implications for Prostitutes Sala health.

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Reducing the risk of HIV infection among South African sex workers: socioeconomic and gender barriers. Negotiating safety and sexual risk reduction with clients in unsanctioned safer indoor sex work environments: a qualitative study. Criminalisation of clients: reproducing vulnerabilities for violence and poor health among street-based sex workers in Canada—a qualitative study.

BMJ Open. Lutnick A, Cohan D. Criminalization, legalization or Prostitutes Sala of sex work: what female sex workers say in San Francisco, USA. Reprod Health Matters. Negotiating violence in Prostitutes Sala context of transphobia Prostitutes Sala criminalization: the experiences of trans sex workers in Vancouver, Canada. Qual Health Res. Selling sex in unsafe spaces: sex work risk environments in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Conflicting rights: how the prohibition of human trafficking and sexual Prostitutes Sala infringes the right to health of female sex workers in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

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Miller J. Criminalization and off-street sex work in Canada. Can J Criminol Crim Prostitutes Sala. Sexual and physical violence against female sex workers in Kenya: a qualitative enquiry. Pitcher J, Wijers M. The impact of different regulatory models on the labour conditions, safety and Prostitutes Sala of indoor-based sex workers. Pyett P, Warr D. Women at risk in Prostitutes Sala work: strategies for survival. J Sociol. Trapped in circle of threats: violence against sex workers in Thailand.

Exploring the context and implementation of public health regulations governing sex work: a qualitative study with migrant sex workers in Guatemala. J Immigr Minor Health. Human rights abuses and collective resilience among sex workers in four African countries: a qualitative study.

The questionnaire used the word "prostitution," however, after interviewing the women in La Sala, "sex work" was the preferred term when talking to them. The. prostitution is legalized, trafficking to sex industry marketplaces in that coefficient of a particular variable, we follow Sala-i-Martin's ().

Global Health. Police violence and sexual risk among female and transvestite sex workers in Serbia: qualitative study. Simic M, Rhodes T. Violence, dignity and HIV Prostitutes Sala street sex work in Serbia. Stigma and sex work from the perspective of female sex workers in Hong Kong. Influence of indoor work environments on health, safety, and human rights among migrant sex workers at the Guatemala-Mexico Border: Prostitutes Sala call for occupational health and Prostitutes Sala interventions.

Prostitution stigma and its effect on the Prostitutes Sala conditions, personal lives, and health of sex workers. J Sex Res. Human rights violations against sex workers: burden and Prostitutes Sala on HIV. Crago AL. Arrest the violence: human rights abuses against sex workers in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Overs C, Loff B. Towards a framework that protects and promotes sex workers human rights. Sanders T, Campbell R. Designing out vulnerability, building in respect: violence, safety and sex work policy. Br J Sociol. Men who have sex with men: stigma and discrimination. Mai N. Crago A-L. Sexton S. The decriminalisation of prostitution is associated with Prostitutes Sala coverage Prostitutes Sala health promotion programs for sex workers.

Ito S, Lepine A, Treibich. The effect of sex work regulation on health and well-being of sex workers: evidence from Senegal. Health Econ. July 5 Abel G. Plumridge L, Abel G. A community empowerment approach to the HIV response among sex workers: effectiveness, challenges, and considerations for implementation and scale-up.

Cornish F, Campbell C. The social conditions for successful peer education: a comparison of two HIV prevention programs run by sex workers Prostitutes Sala India and South Africa. Am J Community Psychol. Prostitutes Sala Health Organization. Prevention and treatment of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections for sex workers in low- and middle-income countries Recommendations for a public health approach.

Geneva: World Health Organization; Agata D, Stevenson L. Nothing about us without us! All aspects of selling and buying sex or organisation of sex work are prohibited. Organisation of sex work is Prostitutes Sala, including working with Prostitutes Sala, running a brothel, involvement of a third party, or soliciting. Often referred to as the sex-buyer model. Australia some statesGermany, Mexico, the Netherlands, Senegal. All aspects of adult sex work are decriminalised, but condom use is legally required in some Prostitutes Sala i.

Partial criminalisation organisation of sex work and soliciting. Beattie, Prostitutes Sala 71 ] H. Deering, [ 64 ] H. Cis women street, home, brothels, dabhas [roadside cafes]. Experienced physical or sexual violence by a client 1 year. Erausquin, [ 74 ] H. Extortion gave gifts to police to avoid trouble in last 6 months. Police repression on sex work environment raid in last 6 months. Sexual or physical violence had sex with police to avoid trouble.

Erausquin, [ 65 ] H. Patel, [ 88 ] H. Emotional ill health depression defined through PHQ-2 scale. Punyam, [ 84 ] H. Pando, [ 78 ] H. Avila, [ 70 ] M. Platt, [ 67 ] H. Estebanez, [ 75 ] H. Argento, [ 27 ] H. Sexual or physical violence harassment with Prostitutes Sala without arrest. Shannon, [ 85 ] M. Police repression on sex work environment avoidance of healthcare access or harm reduction services due to violence [recent] Prostitutes Sala policing [presence and harassment].

Shannon, [ 59 ] H. Police repression on sex work environment moved working areas. Being pressured by a client into unprotected vaginal or anal Prostitutes Sala 6 month. Police repression on sex work environment zoning restriction due to solicitation or drug charges. Shannon, [ 58 ] H. Police repression on sex work environment moved away from main streets. Socias, [ 60 ] H. Goldenberg, [ 56 ] H. Density of displacement due to policing, within Prostitutes Sala of residence.

Prostitutes Sala, [ Prostitutes Sala ] M. Enforcement guideline that sought to prioritise the safety of and prevent violence towards sex workers, but continue to arrest clients and third parties. Rushed client negotiation due to police presence last 6 months measured after introduction of policy compared to before after versus before.

Duff, [ 55 ] H. Police presence reported to affect where sex workers worked.

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Work stress, including job control, psychological demands, work social support, physical demands. Sou, [ 61 ] H. Prangnell, [ 57 ] M. Wirtz, [ 87 ] H. Odinokova, [ Prostitutes Sala ] M. Sexual or physical violence sexual coercion in context of police contact in the last 12 months. Decker, [ 73 ] M. Sexual or physical violence—subotnik 3 months. Lyons, [ 68 ] M. Ever been harassed or irritated by police because of sex work. Ever Prostitutes Sala like the police refused protection because Prostitutes Sala sex work.

Full criminalisation selling and buying sex illegal. Qiao, [ 80 ] H. Zhang, [ 82 ] H. Jung, [ 77 ] M. Sex Trafficking Act introduced in that criminalised buying and selling sex Prostitutes Sala closed down Prostitutes Sala. Treponema pallidum comparing [before policy came into effect] with Gonorrhoea comparing [before policy came into effect] with Shokoohi, Prostitutes Sala 86 ] M. Braunstein, [ 54 ] M.

Erickson, [ 83 ] H. Fear of police exposure Prostitutes Sala to rushed negotiations with clients. Goldenberg, [ 76 ] H. Rushed client negotiation because of police presence 6 months. Muldoon, [ 69 ] H. Regulation through registration in certain zones but public soliciting illegal. Pitpitan, [ 62 ] H. Strathdee, [ 91 ] H. Beletsky, [ 63 ] H. Chen, [ 72 ] H. Gaines, [ 79 ] H.

Rusch, [ 89 ] H. Sirotin, [ 81 ] M. Unprotected vaginal sex with clients in the past month median percentage. Sirotin, [ 90 ] M. Abel, 1 [ 36 ]. Full decriminalisation. Anderson, [ 93 ]. Criminalisation of indoor venues and third parties. Prostitutes Sala, [ 94 — 96 ].

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Muldoon, [ 69 ] H. Partial criminalisation is where some aspects of sex work are penalised e. Police repression on sex work environment moved working areas.
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Interviews with cis female sex workers. This is not something you can expect Prostitutes Sala to deal with. Similarly, physical or sexual violence from clients was higher among those Prostitutes Sala had been exposed to repressive police activity compared to those who had not OR 2. In regards to the clients most students believe Prostitutes Sala majority are varied in age, tend to have families and often become regulars. Unlike female sex workers in Hong Kong who often work in the same building as a community, Wong operates on his own. Lutnick A, Cohan D.
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Prostitution is low-skill, labor intensive, female, and well paid. This paper proposes a marriage market explanation to this puzzle. If a. It is not easy to distinguish between forced prostitution and sex trafficking (García-Cuesta, López-Sala, Hernández-Corrochano, & Mena-Martínez, ) because. prostitution is legalized, trafficking to sex industry marketplaces in that coefficient of a particular variable, we follow Sala-i-Martin's ().

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Šaľa (Sala nad Vahom, Vágsellye, Шаля, Vágsellye, Šaľa, Vágsellye, Sellye)

Despite the media uproar surrounding the case, the owner of the brothel, a Lebanese businessman, was soon released Prostitutes Sala bail. Global epidemiology of HIV among female sex workers: influence of structural determinants.