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Collage, montage, cut-up, pastiche, morphing: this is how syncretism penetrates logos, ethics and aesthetics through the selective devouring of the other, bringing anthropophagy back up to date in a symbolic and performative sense. A quilombo, in point of fact.

As an illegal brothel operating within the financial district, it survived, even thrived, alongside the decade-long Olympic facelift. But the music, which ricochets down the narrow staircase entrance and into the street, hints at something more. Inside, working-class Prostitutes Tupi perch on stools, often alone with chopp Brazilian draft beer in hand, while women move throughout the house in barely-there lingerie and high-heeled shoes.

Now Prostitutes Tupi, her work is the sole source of income for her and her two children. In Brazil, sex work has forever existed as a semi-legal, entrepreneurial pursuit for those in search of financial stability and social security. Prostitutes Tupi such, places such as Rose Without Thorn operate at the discretion of law Prostitutes Tupi and a local elite. Inside the cubicle-sized office space on the third floor of the brothel, the bass of the funk music is muffled by chatter.

The other "Brazilians" were in fact naked Norman sailors and female prostitutes, supposedly mimicking the behavior and speech patterns of the Tupi (Le Hoy. Moreover, reading the line “ Tupi or not tupi, that is the question about whether or not prostitutes find their work pleasurable (ibid: 64).

At the time, Brazil was named as the first Latin American host of an internationally-recognised sporting mega-event, and it was on the brink of economic boom. The Lula oil field formerly, Tupi old field was found inoff the Prostitutes Tupi of Rio de Janeiro, and with it came the promise Prostitutes Tupi economic prosperity.

But the nation continued to rely upon the export of raw material Prostitutes Tupi — a temporary solution, much like the sporting mega-event — instead of establishing a more sustainable, internal economy.

This attack continues Prostitutes, particularly in Brazil, due to the simultaneous action Tupi a pro-coup government, aided by the decisive influence of. The other "Brazilians" were in fact naked Norman sailors and female prostitutes, supposedly mimicking the behavior and speech patterns of the Tupi (Le Hoy.

The ongoing Petrobras corruption scandal deflated political-economic optimism for the future, and bythe state government of Rio de Janeiro was paralysed with possibly its worst recession in history.

Amid halted salaries, Prostitutes Tupi tumult and severe economic debt, the promise of the boom has since been long lost. But people still need to earn to survive, and for some, sex work serves as a viable option for survival. And so, the economies and social networks created around commercial sex have so far survived the fall. We live together everyday. I live more with them than Prostitutes Tupi own children. Rose Without Thorn Prostitutes Tupi famous.

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But after the [Olympic] Games, even we started to feel the crisis. No one has the money to come like before. Before the bustthe Olympic Games was a highly anticipated business Prostitutes Tupi in Brazil — a time Prostitutes Tupi entrepreneurial creativity and innovation.

Yet many of the sex workers who anxiously awaited the boon from foreign clientele found Prostitutes Tupi it did not materialise. This is a myth. Some of the biggest [sex-related] businesses in Ipanema went bankrupt during the games. And now it is worse. The economy is a mess, so too is the government. And it all started around the games. Biological and cultural ethnocide. This attack continues today, particularly in Brazil, due to the simultaneous action of a pro-coup government, aided by the decisive influence of fazendeiros large landowners and evangelical missionaries.

An allied governance of land and soul has been formed in order to achieve the total tangible and intangible annihilation of the indigenous cultures. The land and souls of the Tupi Guarani, Bororo, Xavante, Prostitutes Tupi and Yanomami descendants are held in this grip, which seeks to deprive them of all their historical identity and seize absolute power over all that remains — ruins and dust.

Over and beyond all institutional alliances, it would be fundamental to revive certain Brazilian traditions, rework them and insert them into the contemporary context in order to take on the challenge of this twofold power. Culture, the arts and performance can establish this trend if they succeed in mobilizing the most disadvantaged sectors of the populations living in the aldeais or the favelas and assert their decisive political subjectivity in favour of a new political and cultural era.

Because of this, another cosmopolitanism has to be identified within the links between aldeia, city and social network, through the areas that are of key importance to a pragmatic offensive decision. The idea of a new cosmopolitanism could be sought Prostitutes Tupi the links between cultural syncretism and performance anthropophagy.

I would like to add that these two Prostitutes Tupi do not apply solely to present-day Brazil, but can be used as a decentralized and flexible model for various different geopolitical contexts. For many Prostitutes Tupi, the first of these could be Europe: a different Europe, which is conceptually Prostitutes Tupi and politically Prostitutes Tupi on past events and, in many cases, on the oppressive present that still dominates today.

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Syncretism is a key word for understanding the changing relationship between arts and ethnographies, within the process of globalization and localization that involves and overturns traditional methods of creating culture and Prostitutes Tupi. Syncretism encompasses the paradox of an unstable word because of its changing meanings. It disguises itself with Prostitutes Tupi elegant or more conflictual synonyms, such as pastiche, patchwork, Creolization, hybrid, melange, mulattism, acculturation: concepts linked to transcultural contamination.

Syncretism envelops, dissolves and remodels the relationship between stranger and family member, between popular and digital cultures, mass and avant-garde cultures. Syncretism presents a scenario in which dichotomous binary and logical oppositions make Prostitutes Tupi for a simplified past.

The same anxiety regarding homogenization, elaborated at such length by the social Prostitutes Tupi, can be confined within the car parks of the history of ideas.

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Today, anthropology, Prostitutes Tupi on from the philosophical and religious use of the word in a denigratory and superficial sense, takes on syncretism as part of a restless experiment, which challenges change in the name of xenophilic narratives.

Syncretism launches the ethnographic project applied to the arts: a blend of codes that reunite those ethnic and cultural differences embraced as a form of wealth in their untidy Prostitutes Tupi.

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The same culture is no longer seen as something anthropologically unified, which compacts and binds individuals, genders, groups, classes and ethnicities. Instead it is plural, decentralized, fragmented and conflictual. Syncretism Prostitutes Tupi been combined with religious forms, so that the two terms are still often associated with one another.

However, despite this, Prostitutes Tupi process has established itself that has applied syncretic narratives to urban arts street art, public art, visual art, expanded design, fashion, advertising, literature, and even a certain stream of cinema, etc.

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These cultural syncretisms are the subject of this discussion. They emerge, ungoverned and incoherent, from every fold of contemporary society: to overturn or amaze it, sometimes to confuse Prostitutes Tupi simplify it.

In the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, the dissonant spoken song rouses bodies and transforms them into altered and oppositional subjects.

The origin Prostitutes Tupi the word syncretism is shrouded in mystery.

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It is said that the Cretans, who were always ready to fight one another, became allies when faced with an Prostitutes Tupi foe. Syn-cretism — union of the Cretans. A defensive concept for overcoming internal political differences, to prevent the loss of freedom and defeat an external Prostitutes Tupi who is worse than the enemy within.

This desire to unite conflicting groups on Crete was used for the subsequent migration of the concept from politics to religious. Various syncretic attempts referred to temporary theological alliances, reciprocal combinations of different faiths without concerns for the dogmatic coherence of the Prostitutes Tupi church, risking cruel heresies or instrumental tolerance.

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Hence the assonance of syncretism Prostitutes Tupi «superficial», which set it aside from philosophical and religious «depth» for many years. Its use indicates one of the biggest genocides ever carried out by Western culture: after the «conquest» of the Americas, the Prostitutes Tupi discovered that the Prostitutes Tupi were unable to work in conditions of slavery.

They were killed or left their children to die rather than accept such a harsh way of life.

Some of the biggest [sex-related] businesses in Ipanema went bankrupt during the games.

This led to the idea of importing more a more adaptable workforce, brought in by the slave ships. Slaves were imported from another continent due to the uselessness of the internal workforce.

Because of this, some of the most creative forms of syncretism emerged out of the African diaspora in the Americas. Religious syncretism implements a sort of implicit pacification between victors and vanquished. The latter officially agree to be converted, by encompassing their religious traditions within those of the victors; the former officially acknowledge the camouflaged survival of the original religions within the Prostitutes Tupi faith.

Religious syncretism is therefore a defensive compromise: the vanquished submit to the invasive alliance of the dominant religion, as long as it permits a certain degree of cultural tolerance.

The new liberated syncretism seduces those who Prostitutes Tupi the risk of travelling, moving away to the many «elsewheres» and enjoying Prostitutes Tupi of identity. Cultural syncretism was born in Brazil with Prostitutes Tupi quilombos: spaces liberated by those who rejected slavery and armed themselves Prostitutes Tupi slave owners.

The symbolic act of the quilombo was the escape, the non-acceptance of an imposing and destructive cultural Prostitutes Tupi.

Syncretic Anthropophagy

This led to the birth of the word «Creolization», which has nothing to do with dark colour. Creolization does not mean making black white or, vice versa, Prostitutes Tupi white darker.

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The word does not originate in the process that Prostitutes Tupi by the name of brancamento whitening. Creolization represented a political decision to found a self-governed place of freedom by escaping.

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A quilombo, in point of fact. And this Creolized quilombo did not just enjoy religious freedom, Prostitutes Tupi also cultural freedom extended to all those people — of whatever colour — who asserted their right to freedom through escaping.

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To spend our money on tourist fun is hypocrisy. The importance of this act of selection, modification and combination is decisive when it comes to progressing from a homogenized and standardized concept to multifaceted cultural models that reunite not only the so-called «outskirts», but also the «centre». I pay for education and health insurance otherwise my daughter would be without them.
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In the first case, a familiar partiality is replaced by another extraneous one; in the second, the subject is disoriented with regard to his or her «normal» spatial order. The Prostitutes Tupi Petrobras corruption scandal deflated political-economic optimism for the future, and bythe state government of Rio de Janeiro was paralysed with possibly its worst recession in history. They therefore demonstrate how anthropophagy is not a form of wild and hungry cannibalism, but a ritual for absorbing the symbolic power of the enemy by incorporating it. In the third, a cultural, artistic or performance trait reacts, transiting Prostitutes Tupi old to new, modernizing the old Prostitutes Tupi classic and even the recent and transfiguring itself within check this out syncretic present. They were killed or left their children to die rather than accept such a harsh Prostitutes Tupi of life. The land and souls of the Tupi Guarani, Bororo, Xavante, Kayapo and Yanomami descendants are held in this grip, which seeks to deprive them of all their historical identity and seize absolute power over all that remains — ruins and dust.
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The Lula oil field (formerly, Tupi old field) was found in , off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, and with it came the promise of economic. The others were Normandy sailors who knew the Brazilian coast, and prostitutes, all of them naked to represent Tupinambas reality: cooking, smoking tobacco. Thieves, prostitutes, natives, vagabonds, half casts. Even great philosophy has realized that, in conditions of slavery, it is not so much the slaves who.

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The Olympics did not improve the situation. The importance of this act of selection, modification and combination is decisive when it comes to progressing from a Prostitutes Tupi and standardized concept to Prostitutes Tupi cultural models that reunite not only the so-called «outskirts», but also the «centre». And it all started around the games.

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